
Don't forget about the Whole Chicken!

J act We have been trying to save money to the extreme this past year. I had started boiling whole chickens. One reason was because I wanted to save money, yet another reason was that it was useful for the next few days. I also knew that the whole chicken was supposed to be better for you. 

I started by boiling the chicken in a pot of water with simple spices and cloves of garlic. Soon I threw in veggies. Mainly carrots, onions and celery. I have now been more and more interested in the Real Food lifestyle. Which I had always been swaying towards even before I started learning and reading about these smaller domestic farming ideals. I fell in love with Weed'em and Reap blog.  

Definately let me know what you think. http://www.weedemandreap.com/ 
I have been curious what people think about these concepts. 

One of the things I took away from these ideals is that orgins and the bones should be apart of our diet, and by slow simmering the chicken with its liver other bits for awhile and then retuning the meat picked chicken to slow cook made a really mean favoriful stock. This stock is then used in a lot of meals. 

Once it had been strained and bottled. I take the bones and freeze them for the next whole chicken shock I make. I will freeze the tops of celery & carrots when I am using them for another meal and then I always have veggies to trow in the stock as well. 

On a good week I make this twice. If I get extra stock that I am not sure when I will use I will freeze in muffin pans. Once frozen place in freezer bags for convenient cooking for any last-minute meals. 

I have been improving my "ways" each time and this last chicken I used everything but a small portion of the bird. I saved back the scraps that were good for mattock, our dog, to feed him throughout the week as a supliment to his dry food. 

This picture ain't pretty but I was still a wee bit proud of my efforts to use most the chicken. 

This is what I did NOT use...



I love everything about pomegranates. I love that they are not convenient to get to those delious jewels. I love that I can destress and watch a movie while I disassemble the whole thing. I love the designs inbetween each cluster. Even the jewels themselves are unique and awesome. The burst of flavor and the tartness that isn't too tart like pomegranate juice or flavored Pom things. They are what they are, so deal and stop trying to make them something they aren't. They are a beautiful fruit! I love that Gwyneth loves them too!


What I've been doing...

We got 125 Days of snowboarding in this last season '08-'09, and it was amazing! Every bit of it; even through the holiday season when I was working every night for over 14 Days in a row as well as snowboarding everyday. It kicked my butt a few times and I had to stuck it up. Over the spring we did a bit a traveling. Road tripin' it out to the mid-west. Feel free to check out my facebook albums of everything we've done.

have done a few mountains bike races this season. I have beat all my previous set records (not that they were amazing)! My best one was Berry Creek. I was not at the very bottom of the list and I dropped 10mins off my time. Steep climb and decent short course, 4 miles in under 37 mins. Short & sweet!

We went to California for the fourth! Hung out at the beach, saw the SF MOMA, and the top of
Herzog & de Meuron, de Young Museum. Saw the golden gate & ate at the oldest sourdough place in SF Boudins, also ate at my favoriate resturant The Steps of Rome. YUM! My brother proposed to Marcie on the top of her birthday hike at Pinnacles. It was all very exciting. We also had a Happy 30th Birthday party for Marcie. CONGRATS to my brother & Marcie!!

Summer is here now in the Vail Valley and I only have two mountain bike races left this season. I might not get to do this w
eeks because I was camping and hurt myself pretty bad by jumping off of a 60' cliff into the river completely wrong. I was doing fine if it was 50' cliff, but the last 10' my body shifted to almost parallel to the surface of the water.

To say the least I have to worst bruise of my life. I cannot sit or walk very well. I am hoping it heals enough so that I can race on Wednesday. But right now it is worse than that picture. It is swollen and much darker and filled in, OUCH!

But I will have to say it was Incredibly invigorating & fun (just with and big oops at the end)!