My new favorite signer is Duffy. She is huge right now, but I got her album, Rockferry and it is awesome. I recommend it.
We are going to an outdoor concert on Friday. New York Philharmonic playing: Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, & Sibelius. It should be great. I haven’t been to one yet that is at the Ford amphitheater. I am told that everyone bring picnics and make it a social event. Should be fun!! Plus my firm designed the amphitheater.

I finished! YAY… And I beat at least one girl, I really tried hard for the "not last"; I was in pain. I know there were three others that I passed but they might not have finished. Either way I reached both of my goals, then I helped mow the yard after. I am still sore. This is the first time my calves hurt the next day.
We went camping a few weeks ago. It had been a while since I have been, but when I was little we would go all the time. So it was look being a kid again. We hiked all around our site. We found a waterfall. Not just a little waterfall but fairly substantial. It was FREEZING. We were somewhere at about 9 to 10,000ft. Snow runoff. We even got the see the moon rise I don’t think I have ever seen that before. The moon seems to be up all day, but it came up from behind a
ridge almost full. It was beautiful. I love camping. Next time I am bringing my bike. Here are a few pictures of the camp out. For more.