


I found out that I got a D in my Structures IV class.... I am VERY Glad that I passed! I also am feeling a bit weird.

I am buying a car. This is a huge thing for me. I have never owned a car in my life. I really am a little scared.

I just cleaned my studio... ALL my Things are still not in a good place yet, But I was not feeling moved in before. I feel much better now.

OH I woke up this morning and my bed room was clean... I was a bit drunk Last night and when I got home I was a bit bothered by my mess..... I wasn't sure if it was a dream... so it was nice waking up to a clean room!!!! :)

I am FINALY cutting my hair how I wanted for the past 5 years. I was sick of being a wuss about it. I am doing it and if it doesn't work than I know. HAIR: cut for spiking in the back... a little longer in the front... supper blond highlights with BLUE streaks... I know it isn't going to make me look "Prettier".... I just want to DO IT for myself! This will happen in 3 weeks!

Let's see.... oh... My phone that I have LOVED for the past three years is dying slowly... It misses calls it has pieces missing it has different tones because the speakers are so screwed up the buttons don't really work... ha... I think it is TIME!!! :( And I don't even like any of the phones out there now...

MY computer's hard drive is not functioning.. The computer will not turn on. I don't know what I am going to do...

I have painted two coats of pain on my walls in my room and It looks like need another 3.

OKay so now I am just talking about silly stuff... well ha... so maybe that was the whole thing.... I am going to get back to Studio work now.

QD: So if you screw up really bad... how do you let it go?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're hair sounds like it's gonna be awesome! Be sure to send me some pics when you get it done.