
Yesterday was Sally's Birthday!!!

After a long day of classes we went out. It was one of the best nights out this school year. We just had a good old time. Nothing really to tell just a good night out with a good friend!

Then I had to wake up early. I am having one of those designer's blocks. I don't know why but I can't firgure this building out. It is almost like my mind shuts off after about a month of the same building. This is not good concidering Archiects work with the same design for years. I think I just don't know where to go after the start of the design.

I am FREEZING right now. My studio has no heat and my figures would be numb if I wasing typeing so fast... It is colder inside the out because of the lack of sunlight. And I can't open my shades because people can't see there computers.

I must go eat now.

QD: Who is your faviorate Base player and why?

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