
I am learning about editing and making film. I have never done this before, but I am enjoying it.

This will be a film for FBD (the community program I am involved with) to show people what we are doing and hopefully get people excited about this program. I am a little scared, because this is going to be showed to thousands of people and I want it to be informative... not boring or cheesy and maybe a bit moving. It is going to be short but I hope it is successful.

I think I am going to get more involved with film. It is something that really intrigues me.

I am supposed to have promotional material for running for Mid West Quad Director. I have not yet put that together and time is running out. I have a semester research paper due Thursday. I have Construction Documents due on Monday and presentation boards and model for Studio on Thursday (Dec. 8). Two sculptures due next week. A project due for Systems III. Reading in both Systems and Programming. I then have finals.. then I have to pack for the next 9 months Fit it all in my car…. And I then am off to Cali for Christmas by Dec. 17.


Drive to KC Dec. 16
Fly to San Jose Dec. 17
Drive to LA Dec. 18
My Aunt and Uncle’s 25 Anniversary Party Dec. 19
Drive back to San Jose Dec. 20
Have campaign material finished and printed
Have Christmas with the Family
Send Parents and Sister’s and Family back home Dec. 25
Maybe go Snowboarding some time
Fly to New Orleans Dec. 27
FORUM….. Dec. 28
Drive to KC with K-State People Jan. 2
Pick up car from KC…
Drive to Cambridge or California Jan. 3

So I am not going to be at home at all......

Well I am out.

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