This weekend was awesome. We went to California to visit. We started out with a late night Chess game at my brother’s place Thursday night. Friday we had breakfast with my mom and brother at Stacks. We stopped by to say hi at my old office, HPS Architects.
After having sangria in the sun at Cascals we headed up to Berkeley, CA. We fit 6 people in the car. One of us was in the back of the car they had to lay down; saving on gas for the hour ride up there.
After visiting all the reptiles at the vivarium we had pizza at Zachary’s also in Berkeley. The best pizza in the West that I have had. YUM!
That next day we got some tacos at Jack in the Box and In & Out Burgers. Two things I can’t get here in the mountains. There was a picnic with great food and drinks & at the end of the night we played poker. This guy, Ted, that my brother works with is quite good at poker. He seems to be good at everything he puts his mind to. Like the race he did this spring in Africa across the dessert, and got 16th out of 800 some people. I got to play him heads up, it wasn’t easy but I beat him. Love poker.

As we were leaving I left my purse in my brother’s car, and right now he doesn’t have a cell phone. Thus, I don’t have my purse. But what a great weekend. We had so much fun.
wow, when it rains it pours. I have seriously been checking up on your blog for months waiting for you to update me about your life. And then I gave up for about a month. And then I happened to stop by today and POW!! a double whammy. Keep it coming, I like to know how your life is progressing!
Hey there Breanne! Dina here. I love peeking into your life and what a life it is! Full of adventure and natural jealous am I! (ok, that sounded a little like Yoda there...weird!) It's great to hear what's going on with your family. I'd love to head out to Cali soon and take a nice vacation. Maybe we'll bump into each other! Keep posting!
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