
Bang-up: First-rate, excellent < a bang-up job >

The last few days have been a little ruff... I have been dealing with a lot of different issues! Well it has not been all bad!

Yesterday was my longest day as far as classes go! It went well except I thought one class started at 7:30pm but really started at 7:05pm... It was all good though, because I was there 15 minutes early (for when I thought it was)! ha...

I got all my laundry done and read a bit of my structures, which was WORD for WORD of what my teacher said the past two classes... I think he just copies the book and then that would explain the difficulty of understanding the class. The book is horrible...

I am going to a concert tonight, and I am Very EXCITED! YAY!! I love live music!

My website is going much slower than wanted, but it is going! I still see it happening.

I am out/

QD: What do you really want to be when you grow up?
email answer to: Sparrow@ksu.edu

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