
Immanence is a LOADED word! These are a few definitions

im·ma·nent (m-nnt)

1. Existing or remaining within; inherent: believed in a God immanent in humans.
2. Restricted entirely to the mind; subjective.

[Late Latin immanns, immanent- present participle of immanre, to remain in  : Latin in-, in; see in-2 + Latin manre, to remain; see men-3 in Indo-European Roots.]

\Im"ma*nence\, Immanency \Im"ma*nen*cy\, n. The condition or quality of being immanent; inherence; an indwelling.
[Clement] is mainly concerned in enforcing the immanence of God. Christ is everywhere presented by him as Deity indwelling in the world. --A. V. G. Allen.

n : the state of being within or not going beyond a given domain

Function: noun
Date: 1816
: the quality or state of being immanent : INHERENCE

interesting. And I have heard different things that I am going to try and find out more...

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