
A little note for those drivers out there!

I just wanted to say that I think 75% of drivers don’t care about the rest of the drivers. Here are a few things I am concerned with and faced with almost every time I am driving.

1. Pay attention. I know everyone does it; being lazy or multi tasking. BUT IT IS UNACCEPTABLE. There are kids, bikes, other cars, & many more obstacles that are needing you to pay attention.

2. Stay in your lane. Don’t just slide over like no one in the world is driving around you. I can’t express enough the amount of times I am in a roundabout when someone just comes right over into my lane and cuts me off & potentially runs into me. That is my number one pet peeve.

3. Stay in the right lane UNLESS PASSING! This one thing that most people don’t care about. BUT IT IS THE LAW when you are on the freeway. The other part of this law in most places is to not go under 55 in the left lane (expectation for traffic). PLEASE don’t sit in the left lane people are trying to pass in that lane. Again pay attention.

4. If you are on an entrance ramp to a Freeway (or whatever you want to call it), please accelerate. If you are going 40 and trying to merge that is unacceptable. Let’s refer to point 1. Pay attention you are about to get on a very fast road; if you can’t handle it get out the way.
That’s all… Just wanted to say something because it seems that no one cares anymore that they are in a car and it is not a right.


ariella said...

Right on Sister!!! I wanted to install one of those light up signs on my windshield that people that are steadily going 50 in the fast lane could read in their rearview mirror that says MOVE OVER!!!!

Ahhh...I love the roads.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.