
So Tomorrow came and went. I don't want this week to end. It was Great!

Back to the school schedule and to the normal life. I am not ready for it yet, and what a week to start again! Ha.

So life is good.

QD:Why do dogs chase their tails anyway?


yesterday was good. I didn't see the grandmas though. I ran around town with my mom and then watched an Alferd Hichcock: "Strangers in Trains". It was a little freaky. Then a bunch of us SCHS girls hung out. I stayed the night, because of the late hour. yeah.

Then this morning I got up and went to track & FIELD practice with Michelle. It was sort becuase of the rain. I just ran. it was fun to see all the coaches and everything. I then came home and made my family lunch. I am now going out to have lunch with my Grandma McCauley!! YAY!

but I can't wait until tomorrow!



WOW. What a day. I woke up and worked out as planned. That was a pleasant surprise!
I got home and was making a wonderful salads when a found out that Dinah's Aunt died. So I invited Dinah to go with me and get oil and things at the store. We turned it into a distracting event. Who knew going and getting oil and filters would be an even and FUN too.

But I am sure Dinah and I could make anything fun!

So, I changed to oil on the truck and then us girls (Michelle, Dinah, jenny, and I) headed out to the loop. We had a bunch of fun. Save Dinah attempting to get a tattoo... I hate them and she doesn't need one. And the "coffee" we got had no coffee in it. They turned out to be hot chocolates. :(
TO remedy that we had an excellent meal at A&W. yum.

I wound up falling asleep at 8 pmish and I didn't get up until 11 amish. Oops. Well it is time to go visit the grandmas!




yay. So it was a wonderful day, save the finding out I owe my school another load of MONEY. That really stinks. I went to the mall with my cousins (little guys). I convinced michelle to buy "Screwy" earrings. They are cute: a little screw through the ear. If My ears were pierced. i would have bought them for myself! I looked at skates... WOW the ones I want are over $200.

"Wherefore art thou Romeo?" (sorry, we were quoting Shakespeare)

So I don't know what I should do.. Now that I have spent so much and i owe the school soooo much... but I will have to see.

I hung out with Dinah and Jenny tonight... That was fun.. I wanted to go with them to see michelle in Tennessee but that would have broke my mommy's heart...

So I am here in St. Charles! I plan on working out with mommy in the morning. And then oil changing time with Daddy.

I love MICHELLE and Michael (my Cuz)!

My cousins have wrote all over my hands they look HORRIBLE! The drew pictures that resemble Donnie Darko's bunny! It is scary! (no it doesn't it is a pretty smiley face)~ says little mike.

well that is the day. i will talk later~!



I went to KC and hung out at the airport with Briana. That was fun.
Then went to Sally's. We went to the worst opera I have ever been to!! It was "A mid-summer's night's dream". It IS MEANT to be a play... And that is all! Benjamin Britain did a bad job!!! Sorry dude.

When we got back to Sally's we talked until I fell asleep. From what I remember I was in mid sentence. The next morning I woke and it was nearly noon. We got all dressed up and we walked down to the plaza. The original plan was to read in the park, but the weather was not the best for that.

The plaza was not the best Idea..... There were a few sales. I spent over $300. I have never went on such a shopping spree with out warning.

BUT I have bought the COOLEST suit. I have been wanting a suit forever. And I finally found one I LOVE! It looks good. And I bought a watch. I have needed one of those too. There where a few other things that I needed, so it was a productive day!

Sally dragged me out of the plaza soon as a talked about buying sunglasses... I need those too. That would have been another large sum. So since Sally wouldn't let me spend anymore. We "planed" on going to P.F.Chaings. YOU know get all dressed up and go out on the town... Well those plans fell through. I don't want to talk about it.

Instead we did errands and then played pool... I am still not getting much better at pool. Oh, well...
We watched "Mona Lisa Smile" and "The Election". Mona Lisa Smile was good. That is about all I have to say about it. Election I have seen before but Sally hadn't so that was fun. She was laughing so hard. I enjoyed myself! Once again we were talking until I fell asleep.

My brother called me at 5 am... And I just missed it. I would have called him back but I didn't want to wake Sally....

Sunday. I got up late again. It was nice. We watched "How to Deal". I cried... Don't ask! Okay you can if you want.

Then I headed off to St. Charles! The truck is fine ;). I really like driving it. It's nice.

When I got home my family and I cooked steak. It was amazing. I also got to talk to Larry... I haven't talked to Larry in a long while, so that was fun.

talk to you later... I am going to enjoy my spring break...


So things are going alright.

I don't want to be on my final(for the semester) project already . I feel like it is too soon. This project is going to be a huge challenge as well! I am not quite ready. I just don't want to be a failure. Okay so I am going to do some more work!

QD:What is Montage... Really?


It feels really good to be loved.

I feel like the world is going in slow motion but it is going too fast to stop it (or control it)!

I don't quite feel up to par right now. I am getting over this illness that has came over me. YET life is going Great!

Never thought I would stay up until 4 am working on crossword puzzles. Crossword puzzles aren't my thing but I am for it when you have two smart guys helping me out. I got a few words. ha. It was fun!

QD:If you only had one more month to live what would you do?


Wow, guess I am not needed anymore... ;)

I am so ready for the warmth of the SUN! It is one of the best feelings to go bask in the hot sun and soak up every little ray... OH yeah.

The first project for this semester is done. I was pleased with the final result. Our next project is unknown, but the site is in Chicago.

Food. You forget how good it can be. I NEED some really good Italian, but they don't know Italian out here.

Rollerblading. You wouldn't think they would be hard to get rollerblades. OH but you are wrong.. They are not available to purchase within a 120 mile radius. Unless you want to go to K-Mart for your quality purchase.