
I am learning about editing and making film. I have never done this before, but I am enjoying it.

This will be a film for FBD (the community program I am involved with) to show people what we are doing and hopefully get people excited about this program. I am a little scared, because this is going to be showed to thousands of people and I want it to be informative... not boring or cheesy and maybe a bit moving. It is going to be short but I hope it is successful.

I think I am going to get more involved with film. It is something that really intrigues me.

I am supposed to have promotional material for running for Mid West Quad Director. I have not yet put that together and time is running out. I have a semester research paper due Thursday. I have Construction Documents due on Monday and presentation boards and model for Studio on Thursday (Dec. 8). Two sculptures due next week. A project due for Systems III. Reading in both Systems and Programming. I then have finals.. then I have to pack for the next 9 months Fit it all in my car…. And I then am off to Cali for Christmas by Dec. 17.


Drive to KC Dec. 16
Fly to San Jose Dec. 17
Drive to LA Dec. 18
My Aunt and Uncle’s 25 Anniversary Party Dec. 19
Drive back to San Jose Dec. 20
Have campaign material finished and printed
Have Christmas with the Family
Send Parents and Sister’s and Family back home Dec. 25
Maybe go Snowboarding some time
Fly to New Orleans Dec. 27
FORUM….. Dec. 28
Drive to KC with K-State People Jan. 2
Pick up car from KC…
Drive to Cambridge or California Jan. 3

So I am not going to be at home at all......

Well I am out.


I am THANKFUL for God and His forgiveness AND EVERYONE on this earth that has impacted my life!

Thank you!


I quit counseling because I was board with it. I think the first lady was good to talk to and then I was happy. I got somethings I want to get off my chest. I feel like things are going better too... AND I got out of two parking tickets ($36).


I worked with the FBD group for a while but didn't have a camera so that was disappointing. Rita and I made a ham (we both had never made a ham. it is not a hard thing actually) for the Thanx giving dinner at Gabe's house . Where my entire studio showed up. It was a great time and the ham was wonderful. The day was happy, but then I stayed up until 6:30 am working on some things. Not a good idea. I slept through my class in the morning and then my studio was cancelled so I didn't show for that... I actually slept until 5:30pm.... That was plenty of sleep. Got up and went to studio for a few hours.


Well, I woke up quite ill feeling. I couldn't get myself to get up until 12:30 pm. Another day of missed classes. OOPS! I didn't feel so bad about that... Later that night Larry (my studio teacher) was having a disco party. It was a blast. Teachers and students hung out and danced the night away. We ended up at Rock a'Belly's for closing. That is always a good time.


I was supposed to get up at 7 am.... OOPS again.... The power went out and reset my alarm. When I finally did wake up I thought I was going to die. I felt like someone was taking a vise to my head. I couldn't breath either. Not much fun.

Rita (my new best friend and roommate) and I finally drug ourselves out of the house by noon and started on our journey back Home (East side of Missouri). Our parents called multiple times making sure the roads were all right.

It was funny because the roads didn't seem to be bad at all, but Cars were in the ditches everywhere. I saw more than 15 cars off the road. I couldn't figure out what the deal was.... I was traveling fast because I wanted to get home... like I know I had to have hit 100 a few time. I slowed down once I hit KC. Right after KC we hit a huge patch of traffic. This took about an hour for 15 miles. Traffic was just a mess after that. At one point I went 72 mile and it took 3 hours. This is not what I would call a good trip when driving a stick. My foot was numb. That is what I get of traveling on the busiest Travel day of the year while it is snowing!

After a NINE hour drive (this drive once took me 4 1/2 hours) I collapsed on my parents' couch. I have been sick the whole time and it is just getting worse.

Thanx giving was fun. I saw my family (BUT my brother wasn't there). I played Mexican Train like we always do, and took my nap after dinner (now I can't sleep)... I am on lots of drugs too..... This is the first time I have been sick in a long while so I am really being a baby about it!

I hope you all had a best Thanks Giving! Talk to you next time.


My teacher has gone insane. I was impressed!

He started out class the other day by saying ... "I need to talk to you guys (the class) about something" as he walks to the door to shut it. Everyone looked at each other with a thought of "oh... no (or other choice words)... What did we do now?"

He continued, "You guys are not rebels enough! You don't mess with things or make people mad!!!!" At our amazement he continued to rant telling us that other teachers reminiscing about the good times of mischief... Locking faculty members in offices, bringing in massive stones and chiseling at them, and experimenting on anything they didn't know about.

"So what I want you to do is TO DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT for the rest of the semester. If you want to play Doom for the rest of the semester do it. If you want to fight do it. If you want to produce an amazing project or if you think you already have just do what ever you want! No one will fail: you all have produced enough drawings."

Friday my studio all went and drank in the union and played pool. This weekend I decided to take off of school.... BUT NOW that I have relaxed I AM EXCITED. I am going to catch up with the rest of my class... Well I am going to try to produce a project that I am happy with. This is a very thrilling thing. I am looking forward to doing this project now. It is funny how something can so change my attitude!


We have been organizing a program that helps unfortunate disabled people of the community. Yesterday we started to pouring foundations for a the post of the deck and ramp we are building for our first client. I am also making a film of the project. I am incredibly sore right now! BUT SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS PROGRAM!

I am really looking into going to Cambridge for my internship this is a really awesome opportunity because I would be working with my old firm. I would also get to experience the East coast!

back to work


I had an AWESOME day yesterday! I can tell you it is because i was doing stuff for other people... I have decided that makes me most happy!

THIS saturday Freedom By Design is starting the first project this year for the K-state chapter. THis is a student run program that helps build a better way of living for disabled that can't afford it otherwise! We are making a ramp this project!


bye for now....


Today I found out that I did not get the job in Vermont! I don't know how to swallow this. I really wanted it! NOW I don't know what I should do. Well, I know what I should do... just apply somewhere else. Cambridge is a really cool place to think about! Chicago. or Cali. I don't really want to go back to Cali. But I will if I have to!

I just am a little down right now about the Vermont thing... Tear.


Yesterday... Has gone away now!

Life is turning around for me. The people I thought that were my friends were Freaking Talking behind my back and ignoring me. These people were the people I thought had my back. Now I am sort of left in the dark and I don't trust a single soul.

And this ONE Dush (who is one of my roommates) Freaking told the world this roomer about me. And part of it is true but it is something I am not proud of and it wasn't my fault. AND I DIDN"T WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW! I learned from it, but everyone doesn’t need to learn about it! Some chick came up to me and was like hey did that really happen? oh geez!

Are people really that Horribly mean or stupid? I don't understand why you would do that to a friend. The only person SCHOOL that has my back is my roomy Rita. She is a hard as nails girl and won't take crap from anyone! I love that. She is a lot like me and many ways, but stronger (more callused).

I am too trusting of a person! Why can't people just be Trust worthy like I hoped they were?



I don't know what to do.


Today I was late for class. I didn’t really want to even go, but I HAD to. I drove to school and parked in clinic parking right behind Seaton. Class was alright. Better than to be expected. As I was distracted and forgot to move my car I received a parking ticket.

I thought to myself… Why not just arrange an appointment at the clinic so that I can get the parking ticket validated … Well, it turned out to be more of an advantage than I though. I wound up talking to a lady about how stressed I was and how I just didn’t feel like trying anymore… I came out with a lot off my chest AND I got out of my ticket. I actually arranged more appointments because I think I needed someone to just listen to what I have to say about how I feel and get some things out there that I have been storing away.

I found out the simple pleasures of Call Hall on campus…. I had no clue that this existed. The reason for my excitement is the absolutely wonderful FRESH whole milk they sell there. I have been in heaven. I love this MILK! YAYAYAYAY! It reminds me of when I was a kid when we got fresh from the farm milk… Too bad Call Hall didn’t sell it in a glass jug. THAT WOULD SO COMPLETE!