
Things are good!

I am sitting here enjoying a rich dark beer. As I look through the beer at the mountains it seems like a dream. The outlines of each majestic hill filtered through a haze of red bubbles. I really couldn’t ask for anything better than I have right now!

About 2 ½ months ago I was laid off of my job that I got right after graduation. This was a little bit of a blow to my ego. I felt like I have always had it somewhat together. Then finding out that I am unemployed really seems weird, BUT things were looking up. There were new opportunities that were all open for the taking. I was elected on the board of directors for my local professional organization here in Vail. I hit the ground running. I had an interview with a firm, finished my resume & portfolio done, and contacted 20 firms in less than a week. Then less than a week later the market crashed. No one was hiring. People don’t start new architecture projects when the economy is struggling. They even put projects on hold when things are as bad as they are. My firm was unable to take the blow as they were already feeling the economic squeeze before the crash. Everyone went to hourly and two of us were laid off.

Two weeks after I was laid off my husband, Curtis, was one of a few in his office that were laid off.

What do you do when you don’t have savings and no job and there is no outlook for any job anytime soon? Good question. I had not learned that part of Architecture in school. I thought I had learned everything there. Well I learned a lot there, and one thing is to make the most of what you have.

We didn’t want to leave the Vail Valley as we are just getting used to the life style here. We let our landlords know our situation, and they were more than awesome!!! We were given many tasks to complete before the big snow came to work off rent. Now we have 6 months that we can wait the economy out.

Yesterday we found out that my past firm, Morter Architects, had to close up shop. They laid off everyone and are moving the company to their home in Austin. This really messes with our possibilities of getting a job out here this next summer. So where should we go next? Where do you go after Vail?

So all said I am really happy right now… Curtis and I have had so much time together. It is so wonderful to really just be together. We have our whole lives in front of us. It is really going to be hard to start working again when it comes to that time though. I could get used to the ski bum life. Although I do miss architecture!!

Anyone want to come visit me…? We could go skiing!




My new favorite signer is Duffy. She is huge right now, but I got her album, Rockferry and it is awesome. I recommend it.

We are going to an outdoor concert on Friday. New York Philharmonic playing: Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, & Sibelius. It should be great. I haven’t been to one yet that is at the Ford amphitheater. I am told that everyone bring picnics and make it a social event. Should be fun!! Plus my firm designed the amphitheater.


My mountain bike races are pretty much over my head. But they are fun and I enjoy the challenge. My first goal for each race is to FINISH. Then my second goal is to not be very last. These goals sound pathetic but they are for real. I have to put all I have in these races to reach one or both of these goals. Last year I only beat one racer a guy at Davos. Davos is the worst race; really steep and only up, and a lot of people puke. This year I cut off 9mins on that race. And I beat two girls. This was huge for me.

My race yesterday, Camp Hale, was pretty hard and I thought I was going to get sick (I wasn’t the only one). That map on the link isn't very accurate profile, notice the only 400ft hight (usually it is a thousand or more). It was 11 miles and I pushed it hard.
I finished! YAY… And I beat at least one girl, I really tried hard for the "not last"; I was in pain. I know there were three others that I passed but they might not have finished. Either way I reached both of my goals, then I helped mow the yard after. I am still sore. This is the first time my calves hurt the next day.


We went camping a few weeks ago. It had been a while since I have been, but when I was little we would go all the time. So it was look being a kid again. We hiked all around our site. We found a waterfall. Not just a little waterfall but fairly substantial. It was FREEZING. We were somewhere at about 9 to 10,000ft. Snow runoff. We even got the see the moon rise I don’t think I have ever seen that before. The moon seems to be up all day, but it came up from behind a ridge almost full. It was beautiful. I love camping. Next time I am bringing my bike. Here are a few pictures of the camp out. For more.

A little note for those drivers out there!

I just wanted to say that I think 75% of drivers don’t care about the rest of the drivers. Here are a few things I am concerned with and faced with almost every time I am driving.

1. Pay attention. I know everyone does it; being lazy or multi tasking. BUT IT IS UNACCEPTABLE. There are kids, bikes, other cars, & many more obstacles that are needing you to pay attention.

2. Stay in your lane. Don’t just slide over like no one in the world is driving around you. I can’t express enough the amount of times I am in a roundabout when someone just comes right over into my lane and cuts me off & potentially runs into me. That is my number one pet peeve.

3. Stay in the right lane UNLESS PASSING! This one thing that most people don’t care about. BUT IT IS THE LAW when you are on the freeway. The other part of this law in most places is to not go under 55 in the left lane (expectation for traffic). PLEASE don’t sit in the left lane people are trying to pass in that lane. Again pay attention.

4. If you are on an entrance ramp to a Freeway (or whatever you want to call it), please accelerate. If you are going 40 and trying to merge that is unacceptable. Let’s refer to point 1. Pay attention you are about to get on a very fast road; if you can’t handle it get out the way.
That’s all… Just wanted to say something because it seems that no one cares anymore that they are in a car and it is not a right.


great weekend.

This weekend was awesome. We went to California to visit. We started out with a late night Chess game at my brother’s place Thursday night. Friday we had breakfast with my mom and brother at Stacks. We stopped by to say hi at my old office, HPS Architects.

After having sangria in the sun at
Cascals we headed up to Berkeley, CA. We fit 6 people in the car. One of us was in the back of the car they had to lay down; saving on gas for the hour ride up there.

When we got to Berkeley we went to the East Bay Vivarium; where we picked out our new friend, a pet tortoise. He is so little.

After visiting all the reptiles at the vivarium we had pizza at Zachary’s also in Berkeley. The best pizza in the West that I have had. YUM!

That next day we got some tacos at Jack in the Box and In & Out Burgers. Two things I can’t get here in the mountains. There was a picnic with great food and drinks & at the end of the night we played poker. This guy, Ted, that my brother works with is quite good at poker. He seems to be good at everything he puts his mind to. Like the race he did this spring in Africa across the dessert, and got 16th out of 800 some people. I got to play him heads up, it wasn’t easy but I beat him. Love poker.

The next morning, Sunday, We headed up the in the hills to do Muddy Buddy. What a race. The first leg that I biked, Curtis ran, was pretty steep up hill for over a half mile. That was pretty intense for muddy buddy. The rest of the course was rolling hills. The whole race was 6 miles. I am not much of a runner, so this was killer for my legs. We did well about that top third in our category. It was fun. The Lero’s were there racing with us. They did really well too. They were in the top half. Muddy indeed.

My other friend Tyson and his buddy Mark rocked the course and got 22 out of everyone; as well as 11th in there category. Nice. Later that day we went to the beach and jumped in the waves and then took a nap on the sand. Monday my dad took us golfing on his new golf course. It was a beautiful course, and fairly easy. My parents did really well and are thinking about getting into the sport. YAY.
As we were leaving I left my purse in my brother’s car, and right now he doesn’t have a cell phone. Thus, I don’t have my purse. But what a great weekend. We had so much fun.


it's been awhile.

It is funny how life changes so fast. My life is very different from a year ago. Well, school is always unique way to live. I would not want to go back anytime soon though. I am currently trying to get my LEED accreditation, and it reminds me of school and how much I disliked the whole thing...

Here in Vail there is a different pace, different way of life, and interesting collection of people. Mountain people live: small town, everyone knows everyone; all of them are “SUPER Mountain people?”

I used to think I was average, but people out here are incredible. I am below average here. This one guy just hiked his 100th 13er and his friend is just shy of her 400th 13ers. My co-worker, and a select few, are single speed mountain bikers. That means ONE speed not 21 speed for going up mountains on a bike. That is insane. Others are tri-athletes that are constantly training. Somewhere around 1 out of 5 people are pro or ex-pro athletes. The image is Tom who also dose single speed. He is on our team.

Me, I can barley handle a 2 mile run or an 8 miles bike race, besides training in this altitude. I like this crazy athletic attitude because it is motivating. You hardly ever see people over weight. But sometimes it is discouraging when you are walking down the mountain with your bike. I can’t even get down the hill let along get up it.

This winter I boarded over 50days. I was super proud of myself. Then I heard this lady ask the lifty how many days she had…. 128…

That image is Paul and his huge dog, cypress. The end of the season everyone dresses up. (I will show you mine soon... I wear my swimsuit with tank.. silly.)

This mud season, when all the snow melts and the dog poo thaws, I had a bum elbow. The end of the season I got nerve damage in my elbow (my funny bone) from going off too big of a ramp and landing on a cat walk. I hate cat walks. This hindered me from training for my bike races. I tried a little but it was not worth it. My elbow would just get reinjured. I went to Physical Training which helped a lot. I got out and the next week I started the Mountain bike race series. I am on the Morter Architects Team. It is fun when it comes to an office activity. Yet it is torture trying not to be last. This last race was my first race to beat someone in my category. That was huge. I really do love doing the races. It makes you feel excellent and accomplished. It is a rush for sure.

It is fun to be challenged all the time but it is exhausting. Now I am trying to ride my bike to work or back. Right now only one way every day to save on gas and get a workout at the same time. The way to my office is easy and downhill most the way for 8.5 miles. Now I can do it in 20mins. I only have gone back home once; it is up hill most the way. I did it in less than 50 minute. One of these days I will be fit.

Life at home is amazing. My husband is everything I could ever want. He is ready to go all the time. There is never enough time in the day to do all the things we want to do. Clean the house, do lawn work, play tennis, go on a bike ride, play golf, go on a hike, on a run, finish Theo’s home, and I could keep going, but we can never fit it all in. That’s another reason to ride my bike to work. I take care of two things at once. Ha. You would think mountain living would be leisurely and mundane. It is not. I still want to go camping, do some volunteer work, and maybe a painting. I forced myself to write on my blog. I bet you are sorry now.

I can’t get enough of Curtis either. He works down the road from me and I still feel like I don’t get to see him enough. We love doing lunch together just to be together. Pavan, my co-worker, makes fun of me for this all the time. She makes sure to ask if I got my booty call yet today.

We are going to design tattoo rings that would be under our wedding bands. This is something I have always wanted to do with the one I married. It is very symbolic and beautiful. People have started doing this lately and I know it isn’t a new thing, but it is something I thought of on my own. It is something I would love to do. We are probably going to do it for our first year anniversary. Curtis is deathly afraid of needles, so it is a big deal that he wants to do it (especially on this finger). OUCH.

We are going to California today. My parents just moved there last month. We had this tripped planned way before they decided to move. It is nice that they will be there too. We are doing Muddy Buddy on Sunday. It is a fun silly race with a mud pit at the end. One reason I do this race is because it is care free compared to my mountain bike races. Lero and his wife also have invited us last year. We all did the race in Boulder last year. This year we are doing it with the Leros in San Jose.

We also get to see my brother and all my friends from Cali. It will be a good trip. We are also going to get a new friend for Theo. Theo is our pet tortoise who is a 2 year old female. She is famous at my work. She needs a friend, and we got Theo in Berkeley, California, at the East Bay Vivarium where we will get her new friend. Sorry this was so long but I wanted to just rant…