
Things are good!

I am sitting here enjoying a rich dark beer. As I look through the beer at the mountains it seems like a dream. The outlines of each majestic hill filtered through a haze of red bubbles. I really couldn’t ask for anything better than I have right now!

About 2 ½ months ago I was laid off of my job that I got right after graduation. This was a little bit of a blow to my ego. I felt like I have always had it somewhat together. Then finding out that I am unemployed really seems weird, BUT things were looking up. There were new opportunities that were all open for the taking. I was elected on the board of directors for my local professional organization here in Vail. I hit the ground running. I had an interview with a firm, finished my resume & portfolio done, and contacted 20 firms in less than a week. Then less than a week later the market crashed. No one was hiring. People don’t start new architecture projects when the economy is struggling. They even put projects on hold when things are as bad as they are. My firm was unable to take the blow as they were already feeling the economic squeeze before the crash. Everyone went to hourly and two of us were laid off.

Two weeks after I was laid off my husband, Curtis, was one of a few in his office that were laid off.

What do you do when you don’t have savings and no job and there is no outlook for any job anytime soon? Good question. I had not learned that part of Architecture in school. I thought I had learned everything there. Well I learned a lot there, and one thing is to make the most of what you have.

We didn’t want to leave the Vail Valley as we are just getting used to the life style here. We let our landlords know our situation, and they were more than awesome!!! We were given many tasks to complete before the big snow came to work off rent. Now we have 6 months that we can wait the economy out.

Yesterday we found out that my past firm, Morter Architects, had to close up shop. They laid off everyone and are moving the company to their home in Austin. This really messes with our possibilities of getting a job out here this next summer. So where should we go next? Where do you go after Vail?

So all said I am really happy right now… Curtis and I have had so much time together. It is so wonderful to really just be together. We have our whole lives in front of us. It is really going to be hard to start working again when it comes to that time though. I could get used to the ski bum life. Although I do miss architecture!!

Anyone want to come visit me…? We could go skiing!